
Branding and Graphic Design: What Comes First?

FirstLink believes your first step in marketing your business should be branding. Branding is made possible with graphic design services for logo design and other visual elements. The two are almost indistinguishable. FirstLink’s services for branding and graphic design are not. As a client, you can mix and match any service you need.

Both branding and graphic design are all about visual elements. Logos, websites, headers, business cards, brochures and more – all fall under both categories of branding and graphic design. It’s just branding includes a strategy and graphic design provides some key building blocks for that strategy.

What is Branding?

Branding is conveying your commitment to delivering on superior products and services to customers through graphics and messaging. Branding goes beyond just graphic design and encompasses the entire customer experience, from visuals to the interactions with the customer. It’s the steps you take, as a business, with design choices and other decisions, to shape the public perception of your company.

Branding Logo Design

Turn your business into an easily recognizable visual of your brand with a custom logo. The logo is an integral part of both branding and graphic design. A memorable logo is paramount in the crowded internet marketing space today. Always use design, font, and color relevant to your business.

First Link’s Branding Logo Design package includes two initial logo design concepts to choose between and three revisions of the original design to customize it to your preference. The final logo set will include different sizes and types for different applications. All logo options will be available online for your convenience on First Link’s Branding Suite.

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FLT Branding Suite

The specialized Branding Suite provides a guide for your brand, including logos of various sizes and types, typography requirements and color palette specifics. This assures your brand is used consistently on all mediums and platforms, print and digital. The Branding Suite includes a detailed breakdown of all your brand identity elements and instructions to use your brand asset files.

Final logo & approved variations – Final logo with variations for different sizes and types
Typography – The messaging through font and voice
Brand style guidelines – Communicates your brand consistently
Color palette – The colors used to showcase your brand
Visual elements – Includes photography and imagery
The Branding Suite containing the tangible online logos and guide will be used to generate all your sales and marketing efforts in the future. The visual brand will serve your business for years to come. You now have a blueprint for all your print and digital advertising and sales collateral.

Why Choose FirstLink for Branding and Graphic Design?

Branding and graphic design are almost indistinct. The only difference is strategy. The strategy behind branding is what sets it apart. The strategy is what FirstLink excels at and what sets us apart from other digital marketing companies. Our consultative approach and first-class service in all that we do is the FirstLink difference that keeps our clients with us year after year, project after project. Check out some of our testimonials. (Links to page)

What is Graphic Design?

Graphic design is crafting visual content to communicate ideas and information. This is done through image, color, lettering, and voice. Graphic design connects you with the end user, the client.

FirstLink’s graphic design team draws on years of experience in both the public and private sectors. Using the latest in industry-standard software, the designer will develop whatever you may bring to the table. You dream it, we’ll realize it – websites, infographics, logos, brochures, posters, maps, backdrops, newsletters, ads, banners, displays, PowerPoints, and more.

Our skilled designer works with the web developer, digital marketer, and others as a team to tackle your design and technical needs, now and in the future. We prevail when we find innovative visual solutions to hook the audience and get your message across. From flyers to advertisements, online and off, we use design to give your message power.

Graphic Design Services

Social Media Profile & Cover Graphics: Protect your brand across all social platforms with a custom profile and cover image for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and/or LinkedIn. FirstLink can create a complete profile for new social media users or overhaul an existing profile for any and/or all these social platforms.

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Display banners front imageDisplay banners back image

Display Banners

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Display Banners

FLT creates static display ads created in the appropriate sizes for a full banner ad campaign.

Advertisements example front imageAdvertisements example back image


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Ads are a fundamental part of marketing in any medium. FLT ensures your advertisements are accurately reflecting your company to future customers.

Digital advertising example front imageDigital advertising example back image

Digital Advertising

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Digital Advertising

Whatever your needs, our graphic designer can devise a stunning visual for your advertising no matter the platform.

Infographics example front imageInfographics example back image


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Engage your audience with an easy-to-understand and eye-catching visual that portrays complex information.

Email blast example front imageEmail blast example back image

Email Blast

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Email Blast

Email blasts are an excellent way to promote special deals, events, new products, or services, and introduce new locations with relative ease digitally. Let’s talk about email automation today!

Print media example front imagePrint media example back image

Print Media

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Print Media

Posters, Brochures, Flyers, and Postcards: Eye-catching, targeted, informative print media to grab the audience’s attention to give them the facts and where to get more. These can be used for many different purposes, such as promoting events, special deals, new products and services, sales, or introducing new locations.

Letterhead/business cards example front imageLetterhead/business cards example back image

Letterhead / Business Cards

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Letterhead / Business Cards

Allow FLT to professionalize your business correspondence with branded letterhead. It is recommended it include your logo and may need to be digitalized.

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Branded Websites

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Branded Websites

When there isn’t currently an existing website; a new aspect of your business needs its own website; or a specific campaign or event needs a microsite design. Check out our website packages.

Visit Website Development 

First impressions of your brand are formed in less than 10 seconds. Let’s make it a brand to be remembered… for the right reasons!

Let us help you design and develop a complete marketing campaign with branding and graphic design as the first step.

Contact FirstLink today!

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